Protocol No.HO07403
Principal InvestigatorCallander, Natalie
Age GroupAdult
ClinicalTrials.GovNCT04721002 (Click to jump to
Management Group(s) Myeloma

A Longitudinal Study to Evaluate Changes in Cellular Protein Expression and Activation in Bone Marrow Tumor Cells and Stromal Cells from Patients with Multiple Myeloma

In this study, you will have an extra sample of bone marrow collected for research. This extra research sample will be drawn at the time that you are having your regular bone marrow biopsy. The extra sample will take an additional 3-5 seconds beyond that required for your routine bone marrow biopsy. In addition, a copy of the hospital pathology report describing your bone marrow will be used for the study. The study
laboratory will process the samples. Your sample will be used for studies to help investigate multiple myeloma and its treatment.

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin would like to collect an extra sample of your bone marrow (about 1-2 teaspoons) for research testing to help study the development, progression, and treatment of multiple myeloma.


Key Eligibility

  • Presumed or confirmed diagnosis of multiple myeloma

  • Requires a bone marrow aspiration as part of their medical evaluation.

Applicable Disease Sites
Multiple Myeloma

Participating Institutions
UW Health University Hospital