Protocol No.UW13056
Principal InvestigatorSobecki, Janelle
PhaseN/A (Cancer Control)
Age GroupAdult
Management Group(s) Gynecologic

Women's Integrative Sexual Health (WISH) Program Research Database

The WISH clinic visit involves completion of a detailed intake assessment form to identify the patient s past medical history both in general and if appropriate, related to their cancer or surgical diagnosis and an additional assessment form to review sexual life and sexual concerns.

The purpose of the research is to establish a database of information that may be
used for future research studies for women who have sought treatment for sexual
dysfunction. The WISH (Women's Integrative Sexual Health) staff is partnering with the Program in Integrative Sexual
Medicine (PRISM) clinic at the University of Chicago for this database. The
PRISM clinic is led by Dr Stacy Lindau, a national expert and international leader
in female sexual dysfunction. By partnering with the PRISM clinic, the information
collected jointly can be used to evaluate sexual functioning after cancer
treatments, measure the effectiveness of current treatments, develop and
implement new treatments for women after a cancer diagnosis.

Treatment Research staff will use the information in your medical record to be included in the study database. This information will be used to answer questions regarding sexual health. The database may also be used to determine whether or not you are eligible for future research studies.

Key Eligibility

  • Subjects must be female

  • Subject must be 18 years old or older

  • Present to the WISH clinic with sexual function concerns

Applicable Disease Sites
Bladder; Brain/Central Nervous System; Breast; Cervix; Colon and Rectum; Endocrine cancers; Esophagus; Gastrointestinal cancers, other; Genitourinary cancers, other; Head and Neck; Hematologic cancers, other; Kidney; Leukemia; Liver; Lung; Lymphoma; Melanoma/Skin cancer; Multiple Myeloma; Ovary; Pancreas; Sarcoma; Stomach; Thyroid; Uterus; Vagina; Vulva

Participating Institutions
UW Health Eastpark Medical Center; UW Health University Hospital